Remember on other blogs I had where men would comment and never say things like, "If a hoe won't ___, I'll find one who will?" Even if were true, they were classy enough to tactfully elude without coming off as jerks. Days of old but good times. Way back then is when I met Ted. We've been causing 'incidents' since then. Cool people, that Ted. So the other day when he OFFERED to write a post, I trusted that he would 1) write it on time 2) write something good. Cus ya know, he's fancy and smart. Alas, I had too much trust. But here, a day late, is his post about the KISA.
~Ms. Smart
If, as the movie Usual Suspects suggests, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist, then the greatest game a man ever ran was convincing the girl that he was running no game at all.
Enter the "nice" dude. The dude who would leave his TV in the middle of the Super Bowl to put together your IKEA curio cabinet. The dude who would leave his warm bed and 200 thread count sheets to give your car a jump in the Applebees parking lot at 11pm on a school night. He does all these sorts of things because you have some draws he wants. And then, once he's gotten them, he marvels that you'd have the audacity to ask him to shovel your driveway while the Lakers are playing.
Except when it's not.
Despite what seems to be the current narrative, every man who does something nice for you doesn't want to practice swivel hip floor exercises on your pelvis. Sometimes dudes come to your rescue simply because you're a woman who needs rescuing. Tons of folks have said a man behaves this way because he was raised right or because he's got a natural instinct to protect female members of the human race. But I think that's not entirely accurate.
Real KISA men want nothing from you. I know you're fine and smart with child-bearing hips and could make Emily Post blush with your knowledge of the number of prongs on a relish fork. I know you're the next door version of Micheclair Huxbama. But the real KISA man rescues you for the same reason you wear a tiara out in public at a chain restaurant that serves sangria by the pitcher. The tiara makes you feel pretty and feminine.... and KISA actions make a man feel chivalrous and manly.
Doing KISA shyt is the equivalent of squatting 500 pounds at the gym. It's like tackling a moose, choking it out, and skinning it to feed your family moose ribeyes. Nothing makes a man feel more manly than saving a woman in distress. That's his return on investment - he feels good about himself. In this context, being a knight-in-shining-armor is all about the knight's armor being shinier and has little to nothing to do with the princess in peril. She is a pawn in his personal game of chess. Like most of what we do in life, it is a mostly selfish endeavor.
So, can a taken/committed/married man be a KISA for a women other than his Lady?? Damn right he can. Again, KISA is a way of life, not a means to a buck-nekkid end. I'm as taken as taken can get, but if I see a woman on I-95 with a flat tire, I'll be late getting home to mine.
KISA ain't cheatin. It is about the proper role of man.
Now this isn't a serenade to the Captain Sav-A-Hos of the earth. It is about a man playing his communal role in society.
You know what the biggest obstacle for KISA men is?? Low self-esteem women... women who don't feel they are worth unsullied kindness from a man. How ironic. A woman who thinks every man wants her draws somehow also manages to think every man doesn't think she's worth the effort. I'm not sure one could simultaneously hold such diametrically opposed views of self-important unimportance.
Yes, Virginia, there is a genuine KISA. And if you believe they don't exist, then perhaps it's YOU who's been running game and taking advantage of good men.
As it's said, game recognize game. And this KISA is proud to say you're looking real unfamiliar.
I'll have you know that on CP Time, I was actually two days early with this post. You're welcome. lol
One more point to add to this: first impressions are everything. Since I'm of average looks with no bling or $1000 suits or $60,000 car and with a body fat percentage that's of legal drinking age, I had to be creative just to get a shot to show women how awesome I am. Enter the KISA game. I was that nice, charming, witty dude who was there for them in a crunch.... and then ended up spending the night. lol
But as I got older, I lost interest in gaming women because it just lost its luster. Its wack, no fun. But I was hooked on KISA shyt because I felt so good about myself afterwards. I'm not afraid to admit that KISA makes me high. But only when done for appreciative women; not the entitled thankless heffas who have no clue on how to be treated or how to treat a man.
Posted by: Blame_Ted | 01/18/2012 at 09:02 AM