Believe it or not, I think the welfare system has it's place. We hear about and see lots of people milking the system. What we rarely get exposed to are the people who get on and get off. The people who may have gone through an ugly divorce and needed a little help to get back on her feet. And for them, I'd like to keep the system but revamp it a bit. All those loopholes would have to close.
When this topic came up before, Trac mentioned deadbeat dads and how if they paid child support, many of the women wouldn't qualify. So we start with identifying them. But we can't assume that they are in a position to financially support their children. But once they are identified, they need to be dealt with. And if they don't pay, they should be jailed. My logic is that if they weren't supporting their child or in their lives before, them being in jail isn't really taking away anything from the child. And since they can have jobs in jail, their asses would be forced to work and provide financial support to their children. I might even say at a minimum, they need to make enough money to pay for childcare IF the mother works or goes to school. And yes, I know they pay criminals like $2 an hour. Not really my problem.
If the woman refuses to identify him or the father can't be found, do we kick her off?? Not if she just has one. Give her until the child enters school. After that, her benefits should decrease each year. Measures need to be put in place to let people know the government is not going to care for your multiple children. We always hear that women don't have the skills to get jobs that will allow them to provide for their children. This is true. A woman with a 10th grade education probably isn't going to get a job that supports her four kids. No excuses, everyone who gets a check needs a job. Some would work as early childcare providers. They'd be trained, certified and all that. Those in training would work in places that cared for the kids of other women who were in other programs.
Sounds simple huh?? But what about the mentality?? All I can say is that if we take away the possibility of a safety net, maybe people will get a clue. When young or unstable people get pregnant, if their choices do not include a financial safety net, I would hope fewer of them see having a baby as an option. Who knows. It's become so acceptable. Maybe if they see their parents struggling, and I don't mean being on welfare while the boyfriend lives in the house and they do alright with her welfare and his income. Keep in mind though, that struggle may cause even more stress and might lead to more instances of abuse, neglect, and abandonment.
I'm all for mandatory LIFE classes in every middle school continuing on into high school. It's not like kids are in school that long. Hell, maybe we need to keep their asses in school and just teach life lessons over the summer. They need to know the real cost of life (i.e. health insurance, rent/mortgage, transportation) and they need to learn the long-term consequences of the decisions they make. Hopefully, by the time those kids come into adulthood, they will be ready when the welfare system becomes an option only for a select few. And even then, it will have its limits. These LIFE classes won't stop kids from screwing and getting preggers but it will hopefully prepare them for real life.
I've heard people complain that being on welfare means people are all in their business. I'm one of those people who believe if I'm giving you money, I have a right to be all up and through your business. Your kids don't show up for school?? If you don't have a doctor's excuse, your check gets a deduction. If your children get good grades, you get a bonus. If they go to college and graduate, you get an extra year of training/education. If the welfare recipient doesn't stay enrolled in some program that will lead to gainful employment, kicked off. Their children can get breakfast and lunch and maybe dinner at school. food for the parents? Nerp.
Have I mentioned the mandatory birth control?? One shot every three months. Don't show up for the shot, your check doesn't show up. I don't even need to draw out a full paragraph. Forced birth control. Or maybe I should discuss this a bit more. I don't even see it as forced. It's just a condition of getting a check. Shot equals check.
All of this will be tracked electronically. And this means the creation of more jobs! Someone has to design the software, implement it, etc. Isn't this the TET? Don't we need more jobs?
Immigrants on the welfare sstem? Nope. If you are not a citizen, You get an application for citizenship and an identifying tax payer ID number. While your application is being reviewed and processes, you must be employed or have proof that you're actively seeking employment. If you don't want that so that you can pay taxes, you gets nothing but a trip back to where-ever-the-f*ck-istan. I'll extend that to say that their children can no longer go to our schools if they're not applying and approved for citizenship. Y'all do know that in many districts, a child doesn't need to have a social security number they can still enroll and receive a FREE public education. I know this is a fact for DC. I'm not sure that those funds being used to educate and support illegal aliens would be used to us regular citizens. Yet, we have our own people to help. If you don't take care of home, you can not take care of others.
So then, my system would go after deadbeat dads, train women to be childcare providers while others are taking classes to gain skills to find gainful employment. Women will get benefits until their kid goes to school. And by 'school' I mean early headstart. Two years! Kids will be taught life lessons. Birth control and no illegals on the dole indefinitely. Whatch'all think?
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